I want to preface this post by saying that I am so very thankful the Lord has allowed me to be a covenant member at Grace Church. Among numerous other things, I am grateful for the leadership at GC, individuals who constantly spur one another on to pursue Christ, and the consistent Christ-centered teaching received. It is about the later of these items I wish to post about today...
Yesterday's sermon text was Mark 10:13-52 and in this text is found Mark's account of the little children going to Jesus and the disciples attempting to turn them away. When Jesus realized that the disciples were rebuking the children for attempting to get to Jesus he was indignant and commanded the disciples to allow the children to come to him. Jesus then made the statement, "Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." My pastor noted that the picture of childlike faith that Christ was presenting was merely a picture of real faith. What followed was freedom to act like a kid again in our approach to God... go to God with a childlike faith! So, what does childlike faith look like anyway? Pastor Jordan was so gracious to get us started with the following thoughts regarding what childlike faith really looks like:
-Childlike faith brings nothing to God--it only receives from him.-Childlike faith depends entirely on God without trying to impress him with our ability.-Childlike faith is not too refined to express raw amazement when encountered with Someone truly marvelous.-Childlike faith will latch on with a "never-let-go" grip when faced with fear or terror.-Childlike faith owes all of its nurturing to Another.-Childlike faith finds itself wrapped in the arms of Jesus finding blessings under his hand.
So, the closing application question posed to the congregation yesterday at Grace Church was, "Are you too old for Jesus?" O that we would never be too old for Jesus and as we approach God we would feel freedom to live like a kid again with great childlike faith!