Monday, June 30, 2008
farmer's market & fresh pizza
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
officially committed!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
digging for diamonds

Praise be to God this is where the similarities between these two experiences end! After much pleading with the Lord for grace to allow me to see Truth from this little book, He did. Sunday’s study of Scougal’s work (and I’ll admit it, I did have to read it twice through to completely grasp Scougal’s full intent) proved to unearth more diamonds that I could ever imagine possible or could ever expound upon in a single blog post!! Scougal does an amazing job of defining what true religion is, namely “a union of the soul with God, a real participation of the Divine nature, the very image of God drawn up on the soul, or in the apostle’s phrase, ‘it is Christ formed with us.’” and in short, the “Divine life.” Scougal goes on to set the stage for the remainder of his work by describing what this Divine life consists of and how it was so perfectly exemplified in Christ.
While the digging was a challenge initially, it got easier or maybe I finally embraced the challenge. At any rate, finding the ‘diamonds’ Scougal has in his little book has proven to be supremely valuable to my soul and indeed worth every ounce of effort. I am ultimately grateful the Lord graciously allowed a clearer vision into seeing what Scougal means by the ‘Divine Life’ and what it truly encompasses. I must say that this book is quickly climbing the list of my “Best Reads.” So, I look forward, with wild anticipation, to the great treasure that awaits as I dig into the remainder of The Life of God in the Soul of Man. And as I dig, I pray, as Scougal did for his readers, “that the holy life of the blessed Jesus may be always in my thoughts, and before mine eyes, till I receive a deep sense and impression of those excellent graces that shined so eminently in him; and let me never cease in my endeavors, till that new and divine nature prevail in my soul, and Christ be formed within me.”
Friday, June 20, 2008
have fun with this!

Thursday, June 19, 2008
a VERY early prediction
(1) Memphis added junior college guard Roburt Sallie this past Monday (sweet!),
(2) Shooting guard Tyreke Evans is also coming to Memphis! Some have compared him to Allen Iverson (but a 6-5 version) who will be quick and very difficult to guard,
(3) Other new additions who are projected to make a great impact next season include Angel Garcia and Wesley Witherspoon,
(4) Robert Dozier pulled out of the NBA Draft and is returning for his senior season (thank goodness!!!),
(5) Antonio Anderson also withdrew his name from the NBA Draft and is returning for his senior season (how can one NOT love Antonio?!?!), and
(6) Lastly, we will still have Shawn Taggart and I’m predicting that, if he builds on last season’s success, this season will hold many opportunities for the entire team (another championship game?).
So, there you have my [very uneducated] opinion. I could be a little bias- I just LOVE Tiger basketball. We'll see what happens come November and on into March, but one thing is for sure... I will await the season opener with eager anticipation!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
patio before and after
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
a weird reminder regarding the Lord’s kind providence
In the midst of this seemingly small event, my heart began to be thankful for the providence of the Lord. I am thankful that something which seemed so frustrating in the beginning (my ceiling not being repaired when I wanted it) turned out to be such a blessing (I now know I still have a leak!). Therefore, through a somewhat odd and random event, my heart was filled with gratitude for the kind providence of the Lord in all of my life. This little situation has served as a big reminder that in all things— from my plumbing, to my job, to whatever path the Lord leads me down next— everything is governed and ordained by His righteous right hand. There is not one path I walk down that He has not providentially laid out before me. And when the road seems rough, unstable, or unclear and we haven’t the strength to cling to Him for the duration of the journey, thankfully, He clings to us the entire way. Though we may never fully comprehend the providence of our Lord in this life, we can trust that it is indeed good and kind because it is the overflow of a God that truly loves his children and longs to give them that which is best for them namely, Himself.
Friday, June 13, 2008
more on "my next vacation!"

Thursday, June 12, 2008
my next vacation

Friday, June 6, 2008
Jesus is not of the cross.
“To use the magnificent words of B.B. Warfield, ‘Jesus dies on the cross, but not of the cross.’ The cross was the means by which He died, but not the reason why He died. He died through being crucified, but not because He was crucified. He was nailed to the tree, but that wasn’t the cause of His dying.
The cause of His dying is precisely because He is there as the substitutionary atonement for the sins of His people. He dies bearing my sins in His body to that tree, so that I might live; so that through His condemnation at Calvary, the Judge in heaven will say to the sword of justice as it hangs over my head for my sins, ‘Do not slay my son. Jesus has been crucified. He has been put to death’; and I am now pardoned through His dying, justified by His blood, saved from the wrath to come.”
- Iain D. Campbell, “The Children of Abraham Walk in Abraham’s Faith”
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
FSF and Rush's daily Pearl of Wisdom
On a somewhat related note, this was Rush Limbaugh's (yes, I am an avid listener and supporter of the man who consistantly sits behind the golden EIB microphone) "Pearl of Wisdom" for June 4th....
"All Obama has is his oratory, all he has is his charisma. That's why he is where he is, not because of any achievements. He does not have substance. He doesn't have anything that you can really grab onto and say, 'Yeah, that's great!' He's not talking about the greatness of America."
I must say that I do adamantly agree with Rush regarding the liberal senator from Illinois. [The Wall Street Journal article linked above is great!] However, I will add to this that I am VERY glad that the racial dynamic in this country has progressed to a place where a black man has the ability to become the presumptive Democratic Party nominee for president of The United States of America.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
totally random!
Monday, June 2, 2008
With that said, I have been excited to meet my new neighbors over the last couple of weeks (they seem very nice) and in the short amount of time that I’ve known them, I am already grateful for them! My dad and brother accidentally locked me out of my house Saturday and I had to search for my neighbor (who was at the pool) and ask to use their phone, which they very graciously let me do. All ended well and within a short amount of time I was able to get back in my house.
Over the past couple of weeks, as I’ve interacted with my new neighbors, I have been consistently reminded of the call to consistently labor in prayer on their behalf and intentionally and strategically, clearly hold Christ out before them. As my church prayed through Matthew 28:16-20 in yesterday’s corporate prayer service, I was reminded yet again of our responsibility to do so. May the Lord be gracious and open our neighbors’ eyes to see Christ clearly! May the Lord ignite our creativity as we search for practical was to minister to their needs. May He also increase our sensitivity to the Holy Sprit and may we seize the opportunities He has prepared for us to speak about Christ. And may we all be reminded as we depend on Christ, seeking to take the Gospel to those farthest away from us, never to neglect those in closest proximity to us.