Thursday, October 16, 2008

clearly defined.

so·cial·ism: –noun
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

Socialism is wrong. There I said it... and it is true. Those who would argue that this is not an issue in this election are wrong as well. It is an issue and a rather big one at that. I know some are tired of hearing about 'Joe the plumber', who was elevated overnight to a central figure in the McCain campaign, and will likely tune out this story. However, Senator Obama's response to 'Joe the plumber' (below, emphasis mine) is not worth missing. Any individual who clearly asserts the following, as Senator Obama did, is clearly supporting a socialist ideology, redistribution of wealth.

"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
It is not the government's responsibility to unilaterally take from the one (presumably one with more wealth) and give to those less fortunate. Quite the contrary! It is the job of the people, esp. responsible believers to aid those who are less fortunate and to establish God-glorifying businesses. So with that said, this election is of extreme importance. This election represents an unprecedented crossroad for the future of our nation. It is a election to choose either the path of socialism or to preserve the democracy of America. Preserve the democracy people!! Vote against socialism in America!!

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