Wednesday, June 4, 2008

FSF and Rush's daily Pearl of Wisdom

As some of you know I do have a very strong attraction to conservative talk radio. Yes, if it makes me a dork because I actually like to listen to AM 600, then I will gladly take that banner. I like it. Here are a few random tidbits from two of my favorite hosts... I hope you will enjoy!
I found the following on Glenn Beck's website and thought it was VERY interesting or at the least, entertaining. We should ALL have at least one new flat screen television based on this information!

On a somewhat related note, this was Rush Limbaugh's (yes, I am an avid listener and supporter of the man who consistantly sits behind the golden EIB microphone) "Pearl of Wisdom" for June 4th....

"All Obama has is his oratory, all he has is his charisma. That's why he is where he is, not because of any achievements. He does not have substance. He doesn't have anything that you can really grab onto and say, 'Yeah, that's great!' He's not talking about the greatness of America."

I must say that I do adamantly agree with Rush regarding the liberal senator from Illinois. [The Wall Street Journal article linked above is great!] However, I will add to this that I am VERY glad that the racial dynamic in this country has progressed to a place where a black man has the ability to become the presumptive Democratic Party nominee for president of The United States of America.


Anonymous said...

i listen to talk radio. maybe i should call them about my roach/mouth experience.

brienne said...

i feel sorry for you... that is totally discusting!!! ugh! i still think you should call richard ransom at action news 5 and tell them...

Keaton Smith said...

Don’t be ashamed to listen to talk radio!!! The bad thing about Obama is that he is being elected on the basis of his skin color, not the content of his character. So therefore it's still racist, or what some people like to call reverse racisim.

Lee said...

don't feel like a dork =) i listen to 600 AND 990!