Tuesday, May 13, 2008


It is somewhat odd, driving around Memphis during the busy 12 o’clock lunch traffic and in the 8 o’clock morning rush hour now seems “light” after sitting in a 5 o’clock traffic jam for a hour and a half on a LA freeway. I’ve been thinking about this as I’ve sat in traffic the past couple of days… did the traffic in Memphis change while I was away? No, I’m quite sure that Memphis traffic (and the corresponding crazy drivers) are exactly the same as they were before I left. However, my perspective has changed. After experiencing 7 lanes of traffic (7 lanes in one direction!) that are just barely creeping along the freeway, sitting through 2 lights at Poplar and White Station this morning seemed like a breeze!

How easy and beneficial it is for the Father to use experiences and circumstances in our lives to change our perspective of the world around us and most importantly to alter our perspective of Him. The situations of our life might change drastically… or then again just slightly, but nevertheless the point is to alter our perspective of Him—to move us in a direction towards viewing Christ as our entire sufficiency, finding our joy in Christ alone and motivating us to follow Christ’s example by entrusting ourselves entirely to our loving Father. He never changes but the end result to us is always the same… we aren't the same person we were before. Our perspective has changed, for now He has graciously allowed us to see Him more clearly, in a way we once didn’t before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read Joshua 21 this morning. verse 45, "not one of the good promises which the Lord made to the house of Israel failed--all came to pass." what encouragement in frustrating times. Just resting in God's faithfulness to His chosen.