Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Today is one of those absolutely beautiful days where you wish you could blow off your job (if you sit at a desk in an office with NO windows remotely close to your desk, as I do) and be outside all day. However, since I am attempting to be a responsible adult, I will not do this. Therefore, riding around the city running errands on my lunch hour with my windows down will have to suffice.

On a related note, I am praying that the predicted weather for Saturday in Nashville will not be a reality... at least the rain part. Running the Country Music 1/2 Marathon in the rain when it will, in all likelihood, end up being very humid might not be optimal! However, Nashville puts on a great race and so I'm sure Saturday's race will surpass my expectations, regardless of the weather!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you have nice weather for the race! And the funny thing is….my brother-in-law is running in the same race!! Small world!
