Monday, April 28, 2008

"Plan B"

I went to church yesterday in Nashville at Crosspoint Community Church where they are currently in the middle of a sermon series entitled “Plan B.” Unexpectedly, God had a powerful little reminder for my soul as a result of this and I share it in hopes that it will encourage you as well. Simply stated: God doesn’t have any “Plan B” situations for our lives. Our circumstances are always exactly, sovereignly ordained as He planned so the end result is that God gets the greatest glory and we get the greatest joy. Now I will be the first to admit that sometimes our circumstances don’t appear to be laden with joy, so what is our greatest joy in these times? It has to be getting more of God as we live on him in dependence. It has to be seeing Him a little clearer than we did before. It has to be fellowship with God, through Christ, in a way we previously couldn't comprehend. And as we begin to experience our great God, who indeed is big enough to field all of our questions and confusion about our current circumstances, we fall in love with him all over again and we desire to live our life in pursuit of this great God. Therefore, any circumstance where I find the Father has placed me to bring about these things absolutely has to be his “Plan A.” So, I’m learning to, by His grace, stifle rebellion that sometimes lays wait in the recesses of my soul, surrender my “Plan A” and joyfully embrace God’s “Plan A.” After all doesn’t the Father always know best?

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