Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Further thoughts on "Plan B"

Continuing thoughts from the previous post regarding the fact that the Father has no “Plan B” circumstances for us... I think the challenge in living as if we believe in the Father's sovereign plan can be fighting for faith to believe Him. My thoughts drifted back to a recent message the pastor of my church preached a couple of weeks ago. In the sermon he explained the faith that Christ marveled at when he saw (what an amazing faith if Christ marveled when he saw it!!). He also went on to give the following 3 foundational truths that must buttress or under gird our faith, including faith in God’s sovereign “Plan A” for us:
1. Only God knows what is best for you… even better than you know yourself what is best for you.
2. Only God can give you what is best for you; no one can provide for you better than God (Phil 4:19)
3. God only wants to give you the best… (Psalm 84:11-12) God gives us the best because he gives us himself!

So I say, ask for grace and fight for faith to believe these truths about the Father!

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