Tuesday, June 2, 2009

experiential learning

Learning experientially is generally a good thing. This is never more true than when you are experientially learning scripture and a particular verse or passage is becoming more and more a reality in your heart and life. However, while there are a great many passages in scripture I pray the Father would be pleased to teach me experientially in increasing measure, I will have to admit there are some passages in scripture that I NEVER want to experientially learn. Take this one for example: Exodus 8:24. This week I am experientially learning about the 4th plague. Yep, flies. Swarms of them in my house. Flies everywhere you look and everywhere you step…. Disgusting you say? Believe me, I know. I’m working on figuring out where they are all coming from. We’ve pretty much ruled out the source being in my house but I’m not so sure about the neighbor… At any rate, I now see certain passages in Exodus 8 have a totally different light and I’m praying Exodus 8:31 comes to pass… the Lord "removed the swarms of flies" and “not one remained.” Hopefully this will be the case very soon. Until then, I better go stock up on more antibacterial cleaning supplies because I have a LOT of disinfecting to do…

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