Friday, February 27, 2009

25 things i hate about facebook

So generally, I'm ok with Facebook. It is fun at times and I do enjoy it. However, it is also a waste of time and it is not void of its annoyances. I'm definitely a minimalist when it comes to fb... I don't care how many gifts someone gives me, I'm just going to delete them. I DO NOT understand "poking" and I think that most apps are just plain a waste of my time. In the same vein, I submit to you this rather humorous video (That I totally found here). Let me know what YOU think... enjoy!


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious.I feel the same way about facebook. Let's do dinner soon. Laura m.

Wren said...

My thoughts exactly...I tried facebook out 2 different times and could not stand it and 'deactivated' my account!!! HA! For some reason, I like bloggin' instead!

HouseOfSmooches said...

LOVE it!! I'm not big on the "extras" of FB either, but I'm still addicted to checking it every day :)