Monday, January 26, 2009

what a weekend!

This weekend was jam packed with stuff! When I finally sat down on Sunday night, I realized that the weekend flew by more quickly than usual. Here’s just a quick recap of this weekend's adventure:

Friday night I had dinner with my friend Elaine. She is a fabulous cook and I got to try something new! She had made homemade spaghetti sauce which we had over spaghetti squash (this was the new part). It was great and surprisingly tasted like real pasta. I highly suggest you give this a try!

Saturday morning I woke up a little late for my usual run but thankfully was able to hook up with a friend from work for a great run. I had only anticipated running about 8 miles when we set out but ended up running closer to 11. It’s been several months since I had a good trail run in, but Saturday proved to be the remedy for that. We ended up running the Wolf River Trails (blue trail out and the white trail back) which is always a treat. Afterwards, I made a “quick” run through Wal-Mart (no run through Wal-Mart is every really “quick,” I suppose) to pick up a few things and then home to clean the house. This all had to be done before 2:30 when the Tigers were scheduled to take on UT (btw: bad officiating, good game, perfect outcome! Go Tigers!). After the game back, I quickly headed back home to get ready for a fun night out with friends.

I was up early on Sunday to make a last minute run through Kroger for the things I had forgot to pick up for Grace Lunch (fyi: The last Sunday of every month Grace Church has fellowship/lunch together--good times, good times.) and still make it to church in time for our 9:00 prayer service (thankfully, I did make it on time in case you were curious). After lunch I had to run few quick errands and get home to make a pot of potato soup before I headed back downtown for my small group. Whew… are you tired yet? My small group was fabulous, I made a few more stops and finally made it back to my house around 8:00. It was a wonderful, but packed weekend! I was almost ready to come back to work just so I could sit in one place longer than 20 minutes!
For those who are interested (Melissa), here's the recipe for the potato soup. It is an incredibly easy, yet FABULOUS recipe.
-3 cans of low sodium chicken broth (you can use regular if you'd like.)
-1 bag of Ore Ida O'Brien frozen potatoes (these are the tiny cubed potatoes)
-1 package of white gravy mix (I use Pioneer brand no-fat white gravy mix but again, you can use regular if you'd like.)
*Bring the chicken broth to a boil and throw in the frozen potatoes. Allow to boil for a bit, just until the potatoes start to break down a bit. Mix the white gravy with a 1/4 cup of water and pour into the chicken broth/potatoes. Allow to simmer for about 10 more minutes until it is nice and creamy. I know this kinda sounds like a weird and overly simplistic recipe that wouldn't taste very good but seriously, it's great! Throw on whatever toppings you usually do on your potato soup (i.e. bacon bits, cheese, etc.) and enjoy!


Laurin said...

Sounds fun! Looking forward to our weekend soon!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so making this potato soup. You know I am all about quick and simple recipes...speaking of.. you need to come over and eat with us. We miss having you over. Hope your having a good week!
Laura Minton