Friday, June 20, 2008

have fun with this!

So, one of Justin Taylor's blogs particularly interested me today... He noted this website, which allows users to play with a program titled Wordle. Wordle is a program "for generating 'word clouds' from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text."

I made the following from the text of Jonathan Edwards sermon, "The Excellency of Christ." It is quite fun!



hey girl! I have always been a blogger and Matt and I have another one called But I thought it would be fun to start a running blog to share with other athletes and get some insite:)

Laurin said...

So neat, Brienne! It would be neat to make it bigger and frame for an art piece (if possible)...

brienne said...

interesting you suggest that laurin... i'm actually working on that very idea... i'll keep you posted!