Monday, March 31, 2008


The Master Gardener has His own way of sovereignly planting us exactly where He wants us to be so that we might grow. This place need not be where we thought we should be planted or even where we wanted to be planted, but indeed in a wonderful providence and with His own hand, He has planted us in very specific parts of His great vineyard. The part of the vineyard where we are planted, though maybe not immediately apparant at first, is a place fashioned just for us where we can more clearly see the Light, bask in the beauty of the Son, and be noursished by His sweet Living Water... so here's to that growth and your tolerance to follow along on the crazy journey that is brienne's life... enjoy.


Laurin said...

Totally thrilled you have a blog now!

Anonymous said...

This is great, B! God has given you such a beautiful heart and a wise soul--it is wonderful that you are sharing some of that famous B wisdom via a new medium.

Miss you much and looking forward to the marathon in a few weeks!

~laura p.